Aki and Heli Palsanmäki run an auction house in Hirvaskangas, a village located in the municipality of Uurainen, north of Jyväskylä. The Redneck Auction shows the daily activities of Palsanmäki auction house and how interesting items find their way from the sellers into the hands of new owners.
Each week Aki and Heli search for different items to sell. Before money and goods can change hands, a price has to be agreed upon. Aki and Heli do not always share the seller's view on the precious item's value, so they have to engage in often tough price negotiations before a deal can be finalized.
Palsanmäki auction house has a wide selection of items. In addition to glass and ceramic items, Aki and Heli have acquired e.g. a separator, an old gun, toys, a wolf foothold trap and an old army pulk. Aki and Heli say this is what makes their job interesting – you never know what treasures you might come across. Sometimes they are also offered worthless junk, and they have to know how to politely decline the offer.
Items might be in poor condition or broken when purchased. Luckily there is Markku, a self-taught handyman, who can fix and make almost any item imaginable. The item is later sold at the auction under Design by Markku -label.
Each Friday marks the auction day. Aki sells all the items off in his personal style, without a reserve price. After a day of sweat and hard work, the results of the auction are visible on Aki's face. Auction business is unpredictable: sometimes they make a nice profit and sometimes they suffer a big loss.
The Redneck Auction is one of the most popular tv-shows in Finland. It reaches more than a million viewers per week. Aki and Heli are loved by the Finnish press and on headlines several times during the year. The auction house has become a touristic site thanks to the tv-show.
The Redneck Auction
16 x 42-44'
Documentary series
Nelonen, Channel Four Finland
Originating Producer
Aito Media